Confirm Disconnect Mode
Controls the behavior of the confirm disconnect screen.
Type: Confirm Disconnect Mode
Default: In Game
Values: Off, In Game, On Server
Glowing Mode
Controls the how glowing behaves on MCC: Island.
Type: Glowing Mode
Default: Default
Values: Default, Disabled, Disabled for Players
Empty Slot Highlights Fix
Fixes slot highlights appearing in empty slots. Makes custom UIs look better.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Extended Frustums
Extends the visibility bounding box on Armor Stands, Item Frames, and Paintings to fix model culling issues.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Auto-Hitbox (Sky Battle)
Automatically enables hitboxes in Sky Battle.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Auto-Hitbox (Battle Box)
Automatically enables hitboxes in Battle Box.
Type: boolean
Default: false